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Modal Electronics

Buy your Modal Electronics Sound Libraries

The largest selection of sound libraries for your Modal Electronics Synthesizers & Keyboards, in this collection of sound banks you will find the highest quality sounds and patches selected for your user bank...
TPL063 - Atlas - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 64 presets ) TPL063 - Atlas - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 64 presets )
LDX046 - Massive Synth - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 24 presets ) LDX046 - Massive Synth - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 24 presets )
LFO154 - Best Analog & Ambient Sounds - Modal Cobalt5S ( 350 presets ) LFO154 - Best Analog & Ambient Sounds - Modal Cobalt5S ( 350 presets )
TPL054 - ( Bundle ) - Oxygen + Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x TPL054 - ( Bundle ) - Oxygen + Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x
TPL053 - ( Bundle ) - Oxygen + Horizon Sound Pack - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x TPL053 - ( Bundle ) - Oxygen + Horizon Sound Pack - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x
TPL052 - Oxygen - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 64 presets ) TPL052 - Oxygen - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 64 presets )
TPL031 - ( Bundle ) - Horizon Sound Pack + Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x TPL031 - ( Bundle ) - Horizon Sound Pack + Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x
SCL169 - Monster Pack V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( over 390 presets ) SCL169 - Monster Pack V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( over 390 presets )
SCL160 - Monster Pack V1 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( over 190 presets ) SCL160 - Monster Pack V1 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( over 190 presets )
TPL028 - Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 65 presets ) TPL028 - Wave Scopes - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 65 presets )
LFO001 - Analog Dreams - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 50 presets ) LFO001 - Analog Dreams - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 50 presets )
OTL001 - Ephilion - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 50 presets ) OTL001 - Ephilion - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 50 presets )
TPL011 - Horizon Sound Pack - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 80 presets ) TPL011 - Horizon Sound Pack - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 80 presets )
TPL001 - Sequencer Line - Modal Craft Synth ( 56 presets ) TPL001 - Sequencer Line - Modal Craft Synth ( 56 presets )
TPL002 - Small Stone - Modal Craft Synth ( 64 presets ) TPL002 - Small Stone - Modal Craft Synth ( 64 presets )
VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x
VTL004 - Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 100 presets ) VTL004 - Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 100 presets )
VTL003 - Synthology - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 100 presets ) VTL003 - Synthology - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x ( 100 presets )
Showing all 18 items

The largest selection of sound libraries for your Modal Electronics Synthesizers & Keyboards, in this collection of sound banks you will find the highest quality sounds and patches selected for your user bank...

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